PPE Fellows

Katrina Morrison, Ph.D.


Katrina Morrison is a Researcher at the Center for Research in Education and Social Policy. Prior to coming to the University of Delaware, Dr. Morrison was a Research Associate at Research for Action, a Research Analyst at the Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles, a high school Humanities teacher, a teacher supervisor, and a lecturer at Drexel University. She received her Ed.D. in Teaching, Learning and Curriculum from the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Morrison also holds a B.A. in Political Science and Educational Studies from Swarthmore College and a M.A. in Criminal Justice from Temple University.

About the project

Dr. Morrison, in partnership with Akoben LLC, is undergoing a research-practice partnership around the use of restorative practices in school. Akoben LLC is an educational partner, providing professional learning in culturally-relevant, trauma-informed, assest-oriented, restorative practices. The partnership is examining the impact of restorative practices in school spaces and centers student voice and experience.