/ Colloquium: Katharine O. Strunk

Colloquium: Katharine O. Strunk

October 2, 2019
1:25 pm - 2:25 pm

207 Willard Hall Education Building, 25 N College Ave, Newark, DE 19716, USA

Please join the School of Education for a presentation with guest speaker, Katherine O. Strunk, Professor and Erickson Distinguished Chair of Education at Michigan State University. 

Strunk presents as part of the School of Education’s Fall colloquium series, “Improving Equitable Outcomes for Children, Families, and Adults through Research-Practice-Policy Partnerships.” 

The School of Education is committed to conducting high-quality research that helps improve the lives of children, families, and adults, including practitioners such as teachers, principals, district leaders, and community organization leaders. 

One promising approach is developing integrative partnerships with the agencies and organizations that serve children and families. This series brings together speakers who will share their expertise in developing and working in these partnerships, especially those that improve equity in schools and communities.