Partner-in-Practice Fellows

Casey Montigney


Casey is a teacher and instructional coach at Shue-Medill Middle School in Christina School District. She is a former district Teacher of the Year and a current member of the State Professional Standards Board. Much of her work at Shue is focused on improvement science and equity, including improving the 9th grade graduation rate for at-risk students based on the improvement work occurring at the middle school level. Her coaching work is also focused on bringing the community into her school.

Check out Casey’s Fellowship Projects!
The Equity QTS

This FREE resource, co-developed between UD faculty Dr. William Lewis and Dr. Jill Flynn and Delaware educators Casey Montigney and Taria Pritchett, is an excellent resource for teachers in Delaware seeking to teach equity and social justice topics in the ELA classroom through the texts they are already using.

Also, don’t forget to listen to the E4E podcast episode featuring Casey and the other designers of this resource!

Equity in Action Speaker Series: Student Agency is Social Justice

This webinar focused on initiatives that elevate student voices and roles in achieving equity and social justice goals for their schools and communities. Casey Montigney shares more about engaging students in a student school improvement team at Shue-Medill Middle School right here in Newark DE.